Welcome Address of Corine Mauch


Dear audience

Once again the Concours Géza Anda brings promising young musical talent to Zurich. By international standards, this is a competition that demands a great deal from its participants: They not only have to perform in an exceptional way on a particular day, but over a whole series of days. The repertoire they need to prepare is extensive and sets the benchmark high. However, as there is not only prestige and prize money to be won, but also an international concert management lasting over three seasons, participation in the Concours is an important task in many a pianist’s career.

Unlike the participants, concertgoers can sit back and enjoy wonderful concerts. And yet, this is not only a chance to get to know young musicians from all over the world. The audience can enter into their own kind of competition and listen to a piece of music repeatedly and in different interpretations.

Hoping that the Géza Anda-Foundation may carry out the 2024 competition successfully, and wishing all participants and you, dear audience, unforgettable concert moments!

Corine Mauch

Mayoress of Zurich