
Gloria Cianchetta

Born in Piombino (Italy) in 1998, Gloria Cianchetta graduated with honours from the Puccini-Conservatoire of La Spezia aged fifteen. Subsequently, she took her master’s degrees with Anna Kravtchenko at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano. Gloria won numerous national and international prizes. She performs in Italy and abroad, at Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Musikverein in Vienna, Sala dei Giganti at Palazzo Liviano for the “Amici della Musica”, Padua, at the Gaber Auditorium at the Pirelli Skyscraper for “La società dei concerti” in Milan, LAC Lugano, Sala dei Cavalli at Palazzo Te and Teatro Bibiena for “Mantova Musica”, in Spain, Switzerland and Russia. She played with the Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana (OSI) under Alexander Vedernikov, with Chioggia Symphony Orchestra, the L. Refice Orchestra of Frosinone and with the Bacau Philharmonic Orchestra (Romania). Part of her extensive chamber music work includes a duo with violinist Francesca Bonaita, formed in 2019.